Wednesday, June 27, 2018

GTU and Gujarat University was detain after 4 ATKT


GTU and Gujarat University was detain after 4 ATKT

By DWI Read | June 27, 2018

A form typically contains a few input elements and at least one submit button. A form element usually has two attributes: the method attribute for specifying HTTP method for submitting the form data to the web application (only values normally used are ―get‖ and ―post‖); and the action attribute for specifying the form data submission destination, or the URL of a web application. In this example, when people click on the submit button, the form data will be sent to resource ―echo‖ of the same web application ―demo‖ deployed on your Ubuntu VM‘s Tomcat web server, which will echo back all information the web browser sent to the web server.

If the action value doesn‘t specify the domain name/IP address or the web application, then the 13 web application from where this HTML file came from will receive the form data. The first input element of type ―text‖ has been rendered as a text field, the second input element of type ―submit‖ has been rendered as a submit button, and the third input element of type ―reset‖ has been rendered as a reset button. The value attribute of the input elements determines what string will be displayed on the element‘s image. The name attribute of the input element specifies the variable name with which web server programs can access what people type/enter in the element. When the submit button is clicked, the form data will be packaged as an HTTP request and sent to the web resource specified by the action attribute with the method specified by the method attribute.

Double click for University List

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