Sunday, July 29, 2018

Hear The Drivers, The Supreme Court Gave A Third Party Insurance Verdict


Hear The Drivers, The Supreme Court Gave A Third Party Insurance Verdict

Hear The Drivers, The Supreme Court Gave A Third Party Insurance Verdict

Supreme Court has ordered the road accident, now it is mandatory to register third party insurance for new vehicles. The Supreme Court has mandated third-party insurance of 3 years at the time of registering the thief wheeler from September 1, and mandatory 5-year third party insurance for the two-wheeler.The Supreme Court said to a committee that "Third-party insurance of two-wheeler and thief-wheelser should be made in order to compensate the victims of road crashes, and at the same time, insurance companies will have to look at the space of interest." Thecourt said that in India More than 1 lakh people die each year in road mishaps. The Symphishing Committee, headed by former Supreme Court judge KS Radhakrishnan, will make third party insurance inadequate for three or five years at the age of one year at the sale of a two wheeler and a four wheeler.he said . Back, he said, "Insurance companies should look at this issue in a human way, neither from the perspective of the business interests, Cover 2-3 times a week See people in India who are dying in the road accident and getting no relief because insurance companies are spending a lot of time.

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